implemented auditable wallets and tracking wallets, supported in both GUI and simplewallet[+]
26th word added to new wallets’ seed phrase (checksum and auditability)[+]
wallet files size and syncing speed were greatly optimized[+]
added new checkpoint at height 600k + updated predownload links for faster syncing from scratch
simplewallet: new option: –generate-new-auditable-wallet (for generating new auditable wallet)[+]
simplewallet: new command: “tracking_key” to get a tracking key for an auditable wallet[*]
GUI: QR code for receiving coins was enlarged for more robust scanning
Zano core and automated tests are adapted for upcoming hardfork 2[+]
GUI debug: added Chrome dev tools built-in support (–qt-dev-tools)[*]
codebase adopted to support MSVC2019
Bunch of fixes in wallets manager to prevent crashes on mobile devices[*]
Fixed wallet pulling daemon like there is no tomorrow[+]
Extended mobile wallet interface API (wallet size, validating address, generalised response codes)[+]
Improved wallet sync protocol: implemented global output indexes deferred fetching (faster sync on staking wallets)[*]
Lots of other bugs fixed, many improvements were made to codebase